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Indoor flowers for the kitchen. What to choose and how to care.

Like any other room in the house, the kitchen does not exclude the presence of flowers, although many housewives consider them unnecessary. This is a common misconception that has no foundation whatsoever. The kitchen is somewhat different from other rooms, but it remains residential, where, primarily women, spend most of their “free” time. Therefore, the presence of indoor plants is not just desirable, but necessary. They not only serve as decoration, help to cope with negative emotions, acting soothingly, but also bring practical benefits. However, not all plants are equally well suited for the kitchen, just as their arrangement over its area is extremely unsuccessful, and the conditions of their maintenance will differ from the usual.

Indoor plants will decorate the interior of any room. They look very cool in the interior of the kitchen.

Indoor plants will decorate the interior of any room. They look very cool in the interior of the kitchen.

Criteria for choosing colors for the kitchen

For many flowers, kitchen conditions seem extreme, contrary to their very existence, so the choice of plants must be approached responsibly, otherwise they will soon die. When choosing flowers for the kitchen, it should be borne in mind that not many of them are resistant to constant temperature changes, smoke and abundant vaporization. But that’s not all, the main criteria are expressed in the following:

When choosing flowers for the kitchen, it should be borne in mind that not many of them are resistant to constant temperature changes, smoke and abundant vaporization.

When choosing flowers for the kitchen, it should be borne in mind that not many of them are resistant to constant temperature changes, smoke and abundant vaporization..

  • the premise itself is of primary importance – its size, layout, the side where the windows face, the intensity of its lighting;

When choosing plants for the kitchen, many factors must be taken into account.

When choosing plants for the kitchen, many factors must be taken into account.

  • it is not unimportant whether it is an apartment or a private house, in the latter, if they are with stove heating, the worst conditions are created for keeping flowers;

Do not place plants next to heating devices - this will ruin them

Do not place plants next to heating devices – this will ruin them

  • do not forget about the preferences of the flower itself, especially if it belongs to decorative species, its exactingness is taken into account;

When choosing plants for the kitchen, consider their features.

When choosing plants for the kitchen, consider their features.

  • and finally, the location of the plants, if they are not sun-loving, it will be difficult for them to find a suitable place in the kitchen.

Before buying plants, consider if you can arrange them, given their characteristics.

Before buying plants, consider if you can arrange them, given their characteristics.

Types of indoor plants for the kitchen

This refers specifically to the species, not to individual flowers. All of them can be conditionally divided into 3 categories.

1. Sun-loving, and therefore most suitable for the kitchen, although not everything is so simple with them. Considering the usual layout, with an abundance of light, and the fact that apart from the window sill, there is practically no place to place flower pots.

It is better to choose light-loving plants in the kitchen with large windows

It is better to choose light-loving plants in the kitchen with large windows

2. Preferred shaded areas, these are houseplants, suitable for kitchens that face north or west. In another case, you will need to look for a solution, because there will be nowhere to place them in the depths of the room..

indoor plants suitable for a kitchen with windows facing north or west.

Shade-loving indoor plants suitable for a kitchen with windows facing north or west.

3. Resistant to any conditions, and therefore the most unpretentious, and suitable for such premises. But one feature is associated with them – not a single plant from this species belongs to the especially beautiful.

Plants that do not require special care are usually not very beautiful.

Plants that do not require special care are usually not very beautiful.

All these species differ not only in whimsicality, appearance, but more in conditions of detention. Some are picky and require constant attention and care, others are not very, but special conditions are equally important to all of them..

Conditions of detention

Regardless of whether it is a sun-loving plant, or it prefers shaded places, they all need a source of light, that is, a window. Vases with flowers are most often placed on kitchen windowsills, so it is important to take into account the side the windows face, the lighting depends on this. But flowers need not only light, but also fresh air, which makes the windowsill an ideal place for indoor plants. This is true, but some nuances should be taken into account..

Vases with flowers are most often placed on kitchen windowsills, so it is important to take into account the side the windows face, the lighting depends on this.

Vases with flowers are most often placed on kitchen windowsills, so it is important to take into account the side the windows face, the lighting depends on this..

1. Windows facing south and southeast give too much sunlight and heat in summer. In such conditions, even sun-loving flowers often perish; they are too hot on such windows. But on them, any types of indoor plants feel comfortable in the winter..

On windows that face south, it is better to have unpretentious plants

On windows that face south, it is better to have unpretentious plants

2. If the window frames are wooden, in winter the flowers are cold on the contrary, in this situation especially heat-loving ones can die from the cold. In order to prevent such a development of events, the windows must be insulated using proven methods, using cotton wool and adhesive tape, not forgetting about the warming of flowerpots..

If the window frames are wooden, in winter, on the contrary, it is cold for flowers, in this situation, especially heat-loving ones can die from the cold. Therefore, the windows must be insulated.

If the window frames are wooden, in winter the flowers, on the contrary, are cold, in this situation, especially heat-loving ones can die from the cold. Therefore, the windows must be insulated..

3. As you know, windows are also a source of fresh air, which is necessary for all indoor plants. But few people know that they cannot be kept near the open window, simply by opening it for ventilation. At this moment, the flowers must be removed far away in order to save them from direct contact with the environment..

Be careful when airing the room. Flowers do not like drafts

Be careful when airing the room. Flowers do not like drafts

The conditions of detention mean, in addition to creating a temperature regime, also maintaining the necessary humidity. This is especially true for plants in the kitchen, in view of the warm and dry air, they need to be watered more often than those located in other rooms. Moreover, direct watering at the root should be avoided, they should be sprayed, saturating with moisture not only the stem, but also the leaves.

When watering, direct watering at the root should be avoided; they should be sprayed, saturating not only the stem with moisture, but also the leaves.

When watering, direct watering at the root should be avoided, they should be sprayed, saturating not only the stem, but also the leaves with moisture.

Important! Without exception, all indoor plants are afraid of drafts, which housewives often forget, opening the vents even in winter in a smoky room, leaving pots on the windowsill. Before that, you need to take them out of the neighboring rooms, even if the kitchen is ventilated in the summer..

Where not to put flowers

Of course, the windowsill is not the only place within the kitchen where flowerpots are placed. For example, they are often hung from the ceiling, if they are climbing plants, they are fitted on wall shelves, refrigerators, or even placed on the floor. But there are places where flowers can’t be, and it’s not that it spoils the design:

Hanging flowers fit very harmoniously into the kitchen interior and take up a minimum of space

Hanging flowers fit very harmoniously into the kitchen interior and take up a minimum of space

  • there is no place for them next to the sink, for practical reasons – household chemicals used when washing dishes kill unprotected living organisms;

Don't place flowers near the sink. Household chemicals negatively affect plants

Don’t place flowers near the sink. Household chemicals negatively affect plants

  • due to the high temperature, you should not put flower pots next to the battery, it dries the air so much that even constant watering does not help;

do not put flower pots next to the battery, it dries the air so much that even constant watering does not help

You should not put flower pots next to the battery, it dries the air so much that even constant watering does not help

  • flowers should not be placed next to the stove or near it, here they lose their ability to breathe from the greasy plaque accumulating on the stems and leaves.

Do not place plants near the stove. Plants lose their ability to breathe due to fat and burning

Do not place plants near the stove. Plants lose their ability to breathe due to fat and burning

It’s important to know! Indoor plants on walls or ceilings require much more moisture, fresh air and general care, due to the rising heat that creates uncomfortable conditions for them.

For a sunny kitchen

Now about what flowers you can keep in your kitchen if there is an excess of sunlight in it. A successful solution for such premises is those plants that are not new to such conditions. That is, if their natural range is located in the desert or steppe regions of the planet.

Flowers in a sunny kitchen always look fresh and vibrant

Flowers in a sunny kitchen always look fresh and vibrant


It is a term that encompasses a group of plants consisting of hundreds of different species. All of them are little related to each other, both related and in appearance; they distinguish two main varieties of succulents: stem and leaf. The former include such as the portulacaria, better known as the “money tree”. The latter are more numerous, among them one can distinguish: cotyledon, faucaria, aptenia, zamioculcas – they are especially beautiful. The only thing that all succulents have in common is growing in desert areas with a minimum amount of water, under a hot, scorching sun.

Succulents in the kitchen interior

Succulents in the kitchen interior


One of the leafy succulents, but the aloe is perhaps the most famous and widespread of them all. Desert Ethiopia is considered its homeland, and the plant is known for its numerous useful properties, due to which, after it came to Europe in the 16th century. immediately became widespread. This explains why, with such an unpresentable look, it is one of the most popular indoor plants. Aloe is a collective name that unites more than 260 related species, often completely dissimilar.

Aloe is an unpretentious, but at the same time atmospheric plant. It will fit into the interior of any kitchen

Aloe is an unpretentious, but at the same time atmospheric plant. It will fit into the interior of any kitchen


The desert inhabitant, which is just as unpretentious in everyday life, is distinguished by its amazing beauty. True, in this case, its benefits are purely aesthetic, Kalanchoe does not possess any useful properties, but it will serve as an adornment for any kitchen. This plant is widespread on three continents: Australia, Asia and America, but although it can do without moisture for a long time at high temperatures, it does not grow in the desert, but in the tropical zone. Like aloe, Kalanchoe is heterogeneous, biologists know more than 200 of its varieties..

Kalanchoe is a very beautiful plant. Take proper care of it, and it will thank you with frequent flowering.

Kalanchoe is a very beautiful plant. Take proper care of it, and it will thank you with frequent flowering.


And this representative of succulents does not at all need an idea of ​​what a cactus is and what it looks like, any child knows. It is not entirely clear why this thorny plant is so attractive, but it is a frequent guest in the house, in particular in the sunny kitchen. Indoor cactus, this is the tip of the iceberg, it grows on all continents, anywhere in the world with an arid climate. According to the most conservative estimates, there are 1,700 species of cacti, and among them there are also 125 different genera..

It is not entirely clear why this thorny plant is so attractive, but it is a frequent guest in the house, in particular in the sunny kitchen.

It is not entirely clear why this thorny plant is so attractive, but it is a frequent guest in the house, in particular in the sunny kitchen..


A beautiful plant with an unusual shape is nothing more than one of the varieties of the same cactus, though less known among its fellows. It must be because this amazing plant became known to science relatively recently. The first description and classification of austrocylindropuntium was made only before the outbreak of World War II, and for the first time it was brought to Europe two decades later. Her homeland is in South America, on the high slopes of the Andes, in Argentina, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Until now, even the exact number of varieties is unknown, they are called from 10 to 20.

This variety of cacatus looks unusual and will perfectly suit modern interiors.

This variety of cactus looks unusual and is perfect for modern interiors.

Penumbra and shade

Kitchen flowers that prefer shaded areas are a completely different type of plant. They are susceptible to bright sunlight, they need more coolness than warmth, a lot of moisture. Such plants are relevant for kitchens, whose windows face the north side and the sun’s rays rarely penetrate into them..

If there is not enough light in the kitchen, you can always use additional lighting sources.

If there is not enough light in the kitchen, you can always use additional lighting sources.

Mulberry and aroid

These plants are not related in any way. If the majority of mulberries belong to trees, such as mulberries, ornamental shrubs, often fruiting, vines, then to aroid (aronnikovy), exclusively herbs. The first in nature, there are about 1500 species, but only a few of them can decorate the kitchen, in particular, these are several varieties of vines. The second is 2 times more, these flowering plants are distributed mainly in the tropical zone, less often in the subtropical.

Climbing plants look unusual and interesting in the kitchen

Climbing plants look unusual and interesting in the kitchen


While it may seem like kitchen spaces are not very suitable for growing bamboo, it is widely distributed as a houseplant. Southeast Asia is considered the homeland of ordinary bamboo, but in addition to this giant species, there are 130 smaller ones, among them 22 decorative ones grown exclusively in pots for decoration. Including as flowers for the kitchen, although even with great stretch they cannot be attributed to “flowers”, which this plant, of course, is not.


Bamboo “stylish plant”.

It will add a twist to any interior


A beautiful plant that does not need to create any specific conditions, the main thing is to keep it away from places where high temperatures and a lot of sunlight prevail. Its closest relative is the dragon tree, and dracaena, which is an ornamental shrub, like a female dragon, by the way, lies in the name. The plant is widespread enough, almost along the entire equator, from Madera Island to the foot of the Himalayas.

Dracaena is a fairly large plant. It is best used in large kitchens.

Dracaena is a fairly large plant. It is best used in large kitchens.


This is one of the many names for a single plant that is incredibly beautiful and fits well into the interior of any shaded room, not just a kitchen. It is one of the varieties of the epiphytic cactus, well known and widespread as a houseplant, despite the fact that it is found in the wild in only one place on the planet. The birthplace of zygocactus, also called Schlumberger, Decembrist, Christmas cactus – the rainforests of Brazil.

An incredibly beautiful flower from the cactus family. During the flowering period, it is impossible to take your eyes off it.

An incredibly beautiful flower from the cactus family. During the flowering period, it is impossible to take your eyes off it.


Long before sansevieria became an ornamental plant, its evergreen lancet leaves served exclusively for practical purposes – ropes and fabrics were made from them. Until now, in the places of its growth: East Africa, on the island of Madagascar, in Hindustan and the Indonesian islands, this tradition has not been forgotten, unusually strong ropes are woven from coarse fibers in an artisanal way. The plant was brought to Europe in the 18th century. and immediately began to decorate the premises with it.

A beautiful, unpretentious plant. Diversifies the interior of your kitchen

A beautiful, unpretentious plant. Diversifies the interior of your kitchen

Indifferent to conditions

All that can be said about this category of indoor plants is that they will fit equally well into the interior of any kitchen, and not only visually. They are resistant to both high and low temperatures, they do not need to create any conditions, they do not need special care, and that says it all..

Many plants are completely unpretentious and do not require special care. They can safely decorate the kitchen

Many plants are completely unpretentious and do not require special care. They can safely decorate the kitchen


Many of this family of plants belong to the already known succulents, which were discussed above, both stem and deciduous, but not everything can be attributed to such. Their diversity is simply amazing, in modern biology there are 15 separate genera of Euphorbia, which are not related to each other. These are giant trees, tenacious multi-meter lianas, and low-growing grasses. The only thing that brings the plants of the family closer is that in places of damage they release a thick, oily juice, similar to milk, and all without exception bloom.

These plants do not require constant maintenance. But pleasing to the eye with abundant flowering

These plants do not require constant maintenance. But pleasing to the eye with abundant flowering


The most common type of plants, not only in the kitchen in flowerpots, but in general on the planet. Perhaps no one will ever be able to name the exact number of herbaceous plants, maybe this is their appeal. Their variety is so great that the listing itself would take hundreds of thousands of pages of text. For decorative planting, including kitchen pots, they are used, for the most part, perennials that do not require an annual transplant, although there are exceptions.

These plants very refresh the look of the kitchen and soothe after a hard day.

These plants are very refreshing to the look of the kitchen and soothe after a hard day.

Care Tips

Any plant in the kitchen, or in any other room, requires at least minimal attention and care. Of course, each of them has his own needs, and each connoisseur has his own secrets, and as for the advice, they differ little, regardless of who gives them. The most common are expressed as follows:

  • sun-loving plants, the same aloe, do not need to be watered often, once a week is enough;
  • the best “flower” in the kitchen will be fruit-bearing trees, like kumquat – they themselves are beautiful, and their fruits are very useful;
  • decorative pepper is no less popular – it is easier to plant it, and the effect is the same, especially in winter;
  • among herbaceous plants, special attention should be paid to spicy ones – both the look, and the benefits, and the pleasant smell.

What plants are suitable for the kitchen

Interesting ideas

Nowadays, more and more often, various indoor plants are used in order to emphasize the design style of the kitchen. Some have even become an integral part of a particular style or idea..

1. For modern design solutions, including the presence of straightness, it is worth choosing the appropriate plants. In this case, there are uses such as bamboo, dracaena, and especially sansevieria.

2. If it is a French style, a whole range of various plants will add romance to the interior. Not necessarily exotic, quite familiar, but combined according to the principle – if there is a fern, there must be ivy.

3. If high-tech can be traced in the design, the plants must certainly be unusual, and presented in such a way that the guests have the opportunity to feel it. The most interesting solution is lithops, surrounded by colorful pebbles, placed in an intricate aquarium..

This mini-garden will decorate your kitchen.

This mini-garden will decorate your kitchen.

Additional Information. Lithops belong to succulents, their appearance is such that they are otherwise called “living stone”.

Lithops belong to succulents, their appearance is such that they are otherwise called

Lithops belong to succulents, their appearance is such that they are otherwise called “living stone”.

The kitchen is perhaps the only room in the house where the whole family gathers in full force, including friends and close acquaintances. And this means that special attention should be paid to decorating it, but for this there has not been, and will not be, a better solution than the use of plants suitable for such purposes. Such a choice is easy to explain, they give harmony, aesthetics, and most importantly, create a unique home comfort.

50 photo ideas of indoor plants in the kitchen interior

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