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Wedding hall decoration: modern design ideas

To emphasize the atmosphere in which the most unforgettable holiday in the life of the newlyweds will take place, it is worthwhile to take a particularly responsible approach to the issue of decorating the hall for the wedding. In this case, not only aesthetics are important, but also the budget, thematic focus, organization conditions. Many take the path of decorating a party on their own, avoiding the generally accepted clichés and requests of modern designers. Use our tips to create your own unique wedding hall decor.

The decoration of the hall is an important step in planning a celebration. In order for the techniques used to look harmoniously in the ensemble of the entire holiday, it is worth considering them in the context of the wedding theme. It is far from necessary to buy sets of ready-made jewelry, because everyone can make a unique decor. You just need to show your imagination and be inspired by interesting ideas..

light decoration of the wedding hall with flowers

Wedding hall in a chic design

unusual decoration of the hall with ribbons

Balls in the decoration of the wedding hall

modern decoration of the wedding hall with balls

Wedding hall decoration idea

Original ideas for decorating the hall

Creating a design requires a preliminary selection of a suitable room. In this regard, start from the number of guests, the convenience of the transport interchange, as well as the available budget. As you know, in the west, a wedding party is held even in the school gym. You can decorate the holiday in an open space. An example of this is visiting ceremonies on the seaside or in the forest. By the way, such options are now in vogue..

In search of interesting ideas that lead away from wedding standards, young people use maximum creativity. If you correctly think over the decor of the chosen place, then it does not matter at all in what conditions the holiday will be organized. At the same time, the lack of taste and the pursuit of ostentatious luxury will turn even a cozy banquet hall into a booth. The main principle of decorating a room for a wedding is a sense of proportion. Decorations can be made with your own hands, and at the same time the hall will look luxurious. In your work, it is permissible to use:


Table trim, tablecloths, curtains, draperies, arches

Silk ribbons

Bows, trains, dressings for bouquets

Garlands of paper and colored lights

Walls and lighting for individual decorative elements that you want to highlight

Natural flowers

Flower arrangements, bouquets, garlands


Table setting, invitations, greeting lettering


Fasteners for small parts in the manufacture of jewelry and supports for decorative elements


Different sizes, shapes and colors to form garlands and compositions

Confetti and other small details

Used as holiday tinsel

original decoration of the hall with ribbons

Option of a decorated wedding hall

bright decoration of the hall with balls

Wedding hall decoration

The basis of the wedding is the celebration of love, tenderness and romance. It will be possible to emphasize these aspects in the process of holding the holiday thanks to cute little things. Balloons and flowing fabrics are the best solution for romantics. Properly thought-out lighting will help create an intimate atmosphere. On the guests’ tables, place small vessels filled with water with drops of glycerin mixed with flower petals. Leave a floating candle in the flask on the surface of the vessel..

Important! Do not overload the table with an abundance of flower garlands, with the exception of the newlywed table. Leave room for exquisite dishes, decorated by chefs and pastry chefs for the benefit of the invitees.

To prevent bouquets and balloon compositions from overloading chairs and tables, fill them with helium, let them float in the hall under the ceiling or above tables, creating fabulous pictures. Ordinary balls can be replaced with original models sold in specialty stores. With such a simple replacement, your room will sparkle with new colors. Instead of ball pendants, it is important to use street lamps with candles burning inside. Decorate them with butterflies to make the composition look like a fairy forest. You can supplement the picture with fresh flowers suspended on a translucent fishing line..

An analogue made from improvised means allows you to make the decor budget-friendly. For example, for a flashlight, instead of a ready-made version, use a regular acrylic-painted tin can with star-shaped holes. Instead of fresh flowers on the fishing line, make volumetric origami-style shapes or round papier-mâché balls.

beautiful decoration of the wedding hall with flowers

Wedding hall in a chic design

unusual decoration of the hall with ribbons

Balls in the decoration of the wedding hall

modern decoration of the wedding hall with flowers

Wedding hall decoration idea

Fresh and contemporary look is created by the details of natural flowers. They emphasize high status, give flavor and do not leave indifferent even a skeptic. Use this simple trick to make your wedding original and noble. Do not forget about nice little things in the form of souvenirs and small gifts for guests. They will serve as a reminder of the holiday and an eye-catching decoration. The best present is designer confectionery and hand-made souvenirs.

Zoning the space of the room so that all invitees clearly understand where it is more comfortable for them to communicate, where they can go out and put themselves in order, and where it is appropriate to invite partners to dance. Decorating a hall for a wedding with your own hands often spoils the presence of stretched wires, poor-quality sound, and improperly built light. Pay attention to these little things, and the eye will not catch on annoying parts..

Wedding hall decoration with fresh flowers

Features of the wedding hall decoration with fresh flowers:

  • In classic European seating, a large bouquet is placed on each table in a tall vase.
  • The largest flower arrangement should be located on the podium. She will attract maximum attention. The standard format is horizontal arrangement of bouquets in one row. The table is most often decorated with flowing floral patterns..
  • If guests are sitting at a long table, you can arrange mini-bouquets along the center line.

The original decoration of the hall with fresh flowers for a wedding is a responsible job. When decorating tables, you need to focus on the vessel or on the bouquets themselves. To prevent the composition from merging with the dishes, it must be placed one level higher.

In modern decor, vases are replaced with stylized stands. Can use candlesticks, chests, bottles, stacks of books.

Rose petals

Flowers for any decoration option are considered a universal decoration. A boring wall or floor can be decorated with an original composition that includes rose petals. They give a feeling of romance, solemnity and naturalness. For the manufacture of decor, stock up on thin transparent fishing line. On each thread, you need to plant pearl beads and rose petals in turn. Pick flowers that won’t resonate with other décor in their shade.

The thread with the finished garland is secured on top with pins or paper clips. When fixing the line at the bottom, do not pull it too tight. This will allow the composition to be light and airy. Waving the garland in the wind will provoke the effect of fluttering butterflies. You can string petals on a garland with light bulbs. In addition, the rest of the flower blank is perfect for decorating the floor. The path to the table, strewn with petals, looks unobtrusive and luxurious.

beautiful decoration of the hall with balls

Option of a decorated wedding hall

light decoration of the wedding hall with balls

Wedding hall decoration

Popular colors for wedding hall decoration


Color is considered the color of new life. It is well perceived by the eye and relaxing. Juicy shades of this range look lively and fresh. The banquet hall, decorated in green color, will be remembered for a long time by the guests.


Red symbolizes energy and passion. A wedding hall decorated in this range is suitable for original events. Red is chosen by enthusiastic, perky and courageous people.


This color is able to bring romantic notes into the atmosphere of the holiday. He suits sincere and open people. Another pink symbolizes tenderness and transformation..


A non-standard approach to decorating a wedding hall allows you to use different shades of lilac – lavender, purple, mauve. This color symbolizes new beginnings..


The banquet hall, made in yellow colors, is suitable for cheerful and active people. The celebration will surely give a lot of positive emotions to the newlyweds and guests. Popular shades of yellow include lemon, honey and gold..

Wedding hall decoration in blue

A wedding hall in blue can have dozens of shades – indigo, ultramarine, azure, turquoise, sky blue. Color has become a symbol of harmony and peace. It is believed that active and ambitious people prefer the blue tone. In different cultures, it symbolizes sincerity, nobility, wisdom, stability..

A wedding in blue tones requires competent preparation. For example, the bride’s dress may have a blue pattern. Jewelry and accessories can be made in this color. The groom can dress with a blue suit or be limited to accessories of the desired shades..

The bride’s bouquet should be created in the colors of the main range of the wedding hall. Suitable for him:

  • hydrangeas;
  • peonies;
  • bright blue roses;
  • cornflowers;
  • orchids.

Many other shades are combined with blue. For example, a classical-style wedding hall can be additionally decorated with furniture and decor in white, red and gray. However, the focus should still be on blue. It should be used to decorate tables with napkins, when making invitations for guests or decorating a wedding presidium. Nice combination of wedding cake colors – white cream and blue decor.

Any furniture in the banquet hall can be covered with textiles of appropriate shades – capes and ribbons. It is better to make curtains and curtains pale blue.

Modern design of the wedding hall with your own hands

Ideas are at the heart of decorating a banquet hall for a wedding in accordance with the latest trends. First of all, you need to build on the general style of the celebration. Someone likes vintage more, and someone gravitates towards modern. The decor can take into account the preferences of guests and newlyweds. In creating a modern holiday, it is important to use artificial lighting, fresh flowers, a minimum amount of various tinsel. Everything should be beautiful, restrained and aristocratic. At the same time, pretentious decorations are beneficial to use in the culinary arts, because the main attention of the guests will be riveted to the table. Delight every guest with culinary masterpieces that not only taste good, but also look right.

Important! Everyone present should be comfortable. If the decor item creates inconvenience, then it is better to remove it. For example, chairs that are too massive with an uncomfortable back are better to replace, even if they visually win..

The drapery of the wedding hall in a modern version often combines white, golden, silver shades. Contrast of white and red colors is also in vogue. Base white or champagne can be diluted with a bright accent of blue, purple, turquoise or lilac. Details create originality: an eye-catching vase, statue, garland, flower arrangement, furniture, etc. It’s fashionable to do something with your own hands. The uniqueness of each item creates its own value. The modern hall is decorated not only in the food area. Do not forget about stairs, stage, photo zone and other corners of the room..

bright decoration of the hall with ribbons

Wedding hall in a chic design

original decoration of the wedding hall with flowers

Balls in the decoration of the wedding hall

beautiful decoration of the wedding hall with ribbons

Wedding hall decoration idea

Unusual and beautiful decoration of the wedding hall

Decorating a hall requires a certain amount of imagination. The most straightforward way to add charm to a room is to saturate it with compositions. Balloons, fresh flowers and seasonal natural materials will help you (for autumn – yellowed leaves, for winter – flowers powdered with imitation of snow).

Note! With regard to balls, it is worth considering interesting options: combining matte, glossy products, as well as balls of different shapes. Choose shades that are in harmony with the overall ensemble.

Use off-the-shelf solutions as a starting point. So, in a wedding jewelry store, you can buy the necessary set of accessories. Then, at home, you can decorate them with your own hands. So things will look original, beautiful and more interesting. Use bouquets as the centerpiece of the table. Drape the vases with decorations, and the table will look concise..

The main attention of the spectators during the celebration will be riveted to the table for the newlyweds. In addition to the basic decor, use original compositions. Pay attention to the tablecloths and ruffles. The garland along the table can be illuminated from the inside with small bulbs. Remember that no more than three colors should be used in the overall picture..

original decoration of the hall with balls

Option of a decorated wedding hall

unusual decoration of the hall with flowers

Wedding hall decoration

DIY wedding little things, jewelry and decor

Creating a tasteful banquet hall requires a consistent style. When creating decorations for the hall with your own hands, do not save on consumables. If the budget is not enough, then the number of self-made things should be limited. Little things like bows, headbands, ribbons, beads and appliques are never superfluous. With their help, you can easily add solemnity to any wedding hall. Make a list of the little things you need to remember in the midst of preparation..

DIY wedding invitations

Celebration invitations will not only get your guests to the right place, but will also help to avoid confusion in the lists when organizing a large wedding. To simplify the task, most people buy prepared cards with basic inscriptions. They only need to enter the name, date and place of the holiday. To prevent such a card from looking like a postcard, you can decorate it with your own hands. To do this, you will need:

  • bows;
  • beads;
  • ribbons;
  • glue (hot glue gun).

It is better to buy a card with a laconic design as a blank. By gluing a homemade bow in the form of an intertwined ribbon with a pearl, you will transform a simple card into a personalized invitation. Fill the invitation with calligraphic handwriting with beautiful ink. Such a souvenir will become a pass ticket and a memorable gift for your guest.

light decoration of the wedding hall with balls

Wedding hall in a chic design

bright decoration of the hall with ribbons

Balls in the decoration of the wedding hall

modern decoration of the wedding hall with flowers

Wedding hall decoration idea

Decoration of wedding glasses

Drinking drinks is a ritual act at any wedding. Raising their glasses, guests greet the couple and express their wishes. At the same time, guests use sets of standard dishes without any special frills, and newlyweds should stand out from the crowd, so their glasses need to be decorated. Symbols that can be used in this case are rings. With the help of ribbons, beads and spraying, glasses can be transformed into a real work of art. On them inscriptions, drawings and applications are applied. You can order the drawing of images from the artist or dream up yourself.

light decoration of the hall with flowers

Option of a decorated wedding hall

bright decoration of the wedding hall with balls

Wedding hall decoration

General recommendations for decorating a room

  1. The decoration of the hall in a modern style includes floral arrangements with non-standard plant species. To prevent the flowers from looking too simple, combine them into cascading bouquets..
  2. Bulky garlands and paper lamps are more suitable for a tent. They will create romance and will not look cheap compared to other items..
  3. Track the sizes of bouquets and flower arrangements on the tables. Their optimal height is no higher than 30 cm.
  4. If you do not want to highlight specific colors, you can install specific lighting in the room..
  5. Sketch before decorating the room. This is especially beneficial if you are not using the help of designers. An untrained eye may miss some moments..

Decorating the hall with balloons

You can get away from traditional sets of balls by creating original crafts. Do not purchase cheap balloons from your local office supply store. Use interesting product combinations to create a shape or composition. Check out the photos on the internet. It is best to fill the balloons with helium to keep them in shape and keep them airy. When choosing colors, be guided by the pastel color scheme, connecting balls made in a single palette.

bright decoration of the wedding hall with flowers

Wedding hall in a chic design

modern decoration of the hall with ribbons

Wedding hall decoration idea

beautiful decoration of the wedding hall with balls

Balls in the decoration of the wedding hall

Plain latex balloons work well for garlands placed over tables. You can use small, solid colors in different colors. It is better to decorate large balls with inscriptions..

Gel balloons are used to decorate the ceiling. By combining products of different colors, you can create a colorful pattern. Additionally, they are decorated with spiral ribbons..

Foil balloons are suitable for a classic wedding banquet hall. They are made in the form of figurines in the shape of hearts, stars or rings..

How to decorate a photo zone, walls and a podium with your own hands, you can find out from this article.

Banquet hall decoration with fabric

The easiest way is to decorate the room with a cloth in a self-made decor. Overflows, shine of draperies will add their own charm and look minimalistic. In fabric, give preference to satin for the decoration of the wedding table. It is better to decorate walls and arches with organza or alternative airy fabrics. Bows or ribbons can be used to hide the edges of the fabric..

Tables for guests

The decoration of the hall requires a more reverent attitude towards the guest tables. By their appearance, they will judge the quality of the banquet and the attitude towards visitors. A properly organized landing will help to avoid confusion and unpleasant neighborhood in a large company. Place numbers on each table and do not be lazy to make guest lists. Children should be seated separately from adults because they have a separate menu and common interests.

light decoration of the hall with flowers

Option of a decorated wedding hall

original decoration of the wedding hall with ribbons

Wedding hall decoration

In general, there should be nothing superfluous on the guest tables of the wedding hall. The round shape of the table encourages open communication. Elongated rectangular tables with benches in this regard lose and resemble a rustic version. The decoration of the wedding hall is based on the correct serving of the dining area and on the beautiful presentation of the cutlery. Make sure your tablecloths are neat and the utensils used are clean.

Every girl from childhood imagined the wedding of her dreams. Decorating the hall with your own hands is a great reason to show your creative nature and make your dreams come true.

Video: Wedding decoration. Decorating a wedding hall in 5 steps

50 interesting ideas for decorating a wedding hall:

light decoration of the hall with balls photo unusual decoration of the wedding hall with ribbons picture beautiful decoration of the wedding hall with flowers photo bright decoration of the hall with ribbons picture original decoration of the wedding hall with flowers photo modern ballroom decoration picture original decoration of the wedding hall with flowers picture modern decoration of the hall with ribbons photo bright decoration of the wedding hall with balls picture beautiful decoration of the hall with balls photo light decoration of the wedding hall with ribbons picture unusual decoration of the wedding hall with balls photo modern decoration of the hall with ribbons picture beautiful decoration of the hall with flowers picture original decoration of the wedding hall with flowers photo bright decoration of the wedding hall with ribbons photo light decoration of the wedding hall with flowers photo original decoration of the hall with ribbons picture modern decoration of the wedding hall with balls photo original decoration of the wedding hall with balloons picture unusual decoration of the hall with balloons picture bright decoration of the hall with flowers picture light decoration of the wedding hall with ribbons photo light decoration of the hall with ribbons photo original decoration of the wedding hall with balloons picture bright decoration of the wedding hall with flowers picture modern decoration of the hall with balls photo unusual decoration of the hall with ribbons picture beautiful decoration of the wedding hall with flowers photo unusual decoration of the wedding hall with ribbons photo original decoration of the hall with balls picture light decoration of the hall with flowers picture modern decoration of the wedding hall with flowers photo bright decoration of the wedding hall with balls photo beautiful decoration of the hall with ribbons picture unusual decoration of the wedding hall with flowers picture bright decoration of the wedding hall with ribbons picture beautiful decoration of the wedding hall with balls photo light decoration of the hall with balls picture modern decoration of the wedding hall with balls photo bright decoration of the hall with ribbons picture beautiful decoration of the wedding hall with flowers picture original decoration of the hall with balls photo bright decoration of the wedding hall with ribbons picture unusual decoration of the hall with balls photo

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