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All the fun about door decor

If there is a desire to update the interior, while spending the minimum amount of money, then a do-it-yourself door decor would be an excellent solution. There are many ways to freshen up your home. Consider the most interesting and affordable ones.

original design of front doors with your own hands

Interior door decor

beautiful door decoration with scrap materials

Glass door decor

unusual decoration of interior doors with improvised materials

Beautiful door decor


One of the easiest ways to decorate interior doors with your own hands is wallpapering. Wallpaper is a versatile material that can be used for different types of finishes. Do not think that after the renovation the door will seem old-fashioned. The main thing is to do everything carefully and choose a good combination of colors. You can use the following types for decoration:

  • trimming old wallpaper;
  • plain bright materials;
  • wallpaper with a pattern or ornament;
  • wallpaper.

One of the fastest options is door murals. Decorating with such material can be done quickly and accurately. In addition, there is an opportunity to show imagination, spend a little more of your time and become the owner of a unique result. So, how to decorate the door with your own hands using wallpaper? The work includes several steps.

Operating procedure

Surface preparation.

If there are scuffs, cracks, irregularities, then they are rubbed with a special putty intended for woodwork. Old paint can be previously removed and the door can be sanded with sandpaper.


Several options are allowed here. You can simply paste over the door with wallpaper of the same type or make a composition of pieces on the canvas.

beautiful design of interior doors with your own hands

Door decor with drawings

original door decoration with your own hands

Decoration of doors in different shades


Another easy way to update your interior is to paint the door. This design method has several important advantages..

  • Affordable price.
  • Durability.
  • Hide stains.
  • Great room for imagination.
  • Ease of use.

unusual decoration of entrance doors with scrap materials

Interior door decor

unusual decoration of front doors with your own hands

Decor for wooden doors

beautiful door decoration with improvised materials

Beautiful door decor

Decorating with paint includes several stages..

  • Remove the door from its hinges, lay it horizontally (it is better to take it out of the living space) and clean it from the layer of the old coating. This step is very important, since paint, unlike other methods of decoration, does not hide unevenness on the surface..
  • Sand with sandpaper.
  • Smooth with putty, dry, degrease the surface.
  • It is better to paint not the entire surface at once, but in small squares, starting from the top. Each area should be painted evenly. If there is a drawing in the plans, then in any case, the even background of the canvas should be in the first place. To avoid smudges, it is better to lay the door horizontally..
  • After the paint has dried, the door must be varnished and dried again.
  • The last step is to put the door in place.

When buying paint, it is better to opt for acrylics, they lie in an even layer. It is not necessary to use brushes, the spray gun will allow you to uniformly and quickly change the color of the surface.

original decoration of interior doors with improvised materials

Door decor with drawings

beautiful door design with your own hands

Decoration of doors in different shades

Additional decor

There are several more ways to add uniqueness to the door design..

  • Craquelure varnish. If you apply it to a painted door leaf, then small original cracks will appear on it..
  • Moldings, if available, can be painted with a contrasting color. Also, they are easy to do with your own hands and decorate the door..
  • Painting. Such decoration will take a long time, but the result will be pleasing. Minimal artistic abilities and limitless imagination are enough for painting. You can draw anything: ornament, flowers, ornate patterns, landscapes.
  • The stencil is suitable for those who cannot or are afraid to draw “by hand”. They can be bought in specialized stores or made yourself from cardboard..

Stained glass

Stained glass is perfect for doors with glass. The result, as a rule, looks original and impressive. Acrylic or special stained glass paint may work. They can actually be purchased from artist stores. They are often sold in whole sets with detailed instructions..

Absolutely any pattern can be applied to the glass. In addition to paints, you will also need a contour. It is he who creates the “metallic” borders between the painted pieces of colored glass..

When working, it is better to carefully remove the glass from the door in order to avoid smudges and accidental drops of drops on the tree itself.

unusual decoration of entrance doors with scrap materials

Decor of interior doors with a pattern

original decoration of interior doors with your own hands

Glass door decor

original decoration of interior doors with your own hands

Beautiful door decor

Actions are performed in the following sequence.

  1. Glass is cleaned of dust and dirt, degreased.
  2. Translated from a printed drawing or applied “by hand” contour. It should dry well, it can take up to three days. Most likely, you will need to reapply the contour to make it look more voluminous..
  3. Paint the separated pieces with different colors, let them dry.


An original and creative way to decorate doors with your own hands. Moreover, you can decorate with it absolutely any surface. It works especially well on quality wood. And vintage style is back in fashion.

Before applying pictures, the door must be treated with a primer or acrylic paint (if you need to level it, then putty will do). After that, you can start the creative process..

For decoupage, special napkins (sold in craft stores), wallpaper or fabric are usually used. In addition, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • brushes, sponges, rollers.

First, the elements are applied to the surface, the exact location is noted, and different options are tried. They are glued with PVA (it is not recommended to replace the glue). You need to glue the drawing from the center, smoothing out bubbles and folds.

unusual door decoration with improvised materials

Door decor with drawings

beautiful decoration of entrance doors with your own hands

Decoration of doors in different shades

After drying, it is imperative to cover the surface with varnish..

Many people use different photos for decoupage. The technique remains the same, it is enough just to separate the bottom layer of the paper from the photo, so that the gluing is reliable. You will have to do the same with wallpaper..


Another of the original ways to decorate a door is the patchwork technique. It is worth noting that not just any fabric will work. The choice largely depends on the room for which the door is intended. Cloth decoration is more suitable for bedrooms or living rooms, but very impractical for bathroom, toilet, front door.

Using the patchwork technique, you can create a unique piece of furniture with your own hands. Particular attention will have to be paid to the choice of materials:

  • when choosing a fabric, it must be borne in mind that it can shrink or stretch (it is better to take measurements with a damp cloth if glue is used);
  • when dry, the glue should not leave traces;
  • the edges of all flaps must be processed;
  • it is recommended to use non-easily soiled fabrics near the door handles.

It is not necessary to use glue for work. Decorating with glazing beads or a furniture stapler will go even faster. Stronger fabric (tapestry) will be more reliable for the door leaf.

beautiful decoration of entrance doors with scrap materials

Decor of interior doors with a pattern

unusual design of interior doors with improvised materials

Decor for wooden doors

original door decoration with your own hands

Beautiful door decor


A fairly simple and quick way to decorate doors with your own hands is to use vinyl stickers. It is perfect if the door is in good condition, but just tired and the owners want to add variety to the interior, to decorate something. Can combine stickers and wallpapers.

Ready-made stickers can be selected at any store for repair or ordered on specialized sites on the Internet. If you want to add even more originality, then there is an opportunity to order stickers based on a photo. For example, a door decorated with a collage of photos of all family members will look original..

original design of interior doors with your own hands

Door decor with drawings

unusual door decoration with your own hands

Decoration of doors in different shades

You can also create them yourself. This will require:

  • scissors;
  • PVC film;
  • cardboard.

The desired pattern is carefully transferred to cardboard, then its contours are cut out of the self-adhesive film. Unique sticker ready.

If there is some kind of defect on the door leaf, then you can buy stickers.

The version with stickers is more suitable for the bathroom than for interior doors, as it perfectly repels moisture.

beautiful decoration of interior doors with scrap materials

Interior door decor

unusual design of entrance doors with improvised materials

Decor for wooden doors

original decoration of entrance doors with scrap materials

Beautiful door decor


Installing a mirror on the door surface is an original and quick renovation method. It will help to hide many defects of the old piece of furniture. The mirror will look best on the front door, since there must be a reflective surface in the hallway..

unusual decoration of interior doors with scrap materials

Door decor with drawings

beautiful design of front doors with your own hands

Decoration of doors in different shades


One of the most unusual decoration options is mosaic. It is used quite rarely, since not all doors can withstand a layer of ceramic coating. The thickness of the door leaf itself increases significantly, its quality suffers, but the result looks incredibly beautiful.

It is recommended to use mosaic tiles in fragments. This will not create a large load on the door leaf, and the decor will look bright and unusual. You can attach it with glue or liquid nails..

Video: Decorating the door

50 photos of interior door decor ideas:

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