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Hands-on with Google’s new Search Generative Experience

Google opened access to its new Search Generative Experience and today – and our own Barry Schwartz is one of the first to gain access.

Although he had to head offline for the holiday of Shavuot, he was able to share several tweets with images from his early testing. I’ve compiled most of those in this article so you can get an early look at the experiment that is Google SGE.

The Google welcome email

It’s Barry’s turn to try Search Labs! This is the “you’re in” email Google sent.

1 Try Search Labs Google Email

Getting started

Yes, we’re ready to get started experimenting with Search Labs.

But first you’ll need to agree after reading this crazy long SGE Privacy Notice:

3 Sge Privacy Notice 800x470

Search [when does Shavous start?]

4 When Does Shavous Start Scaled

Google didn’t show the time, but Barry likes how you can expand the answers.

5 When Does Shavous Start Scaled

Also, look at all those snackable organic/free links you can click on.

Barry called the follow-up answers “pretty good”:

6 Shavuot Follow Up Scaled
7 Shavuot Learn All Night. Scaled

Search [where to get a haircut near me]

Onto local search. We’ve got a 5 pack:

8 5 Pack Haircut Scaled

And a 3 pack:

9 3 Pack Haircut Scaled

Search [where can I learn about SEO]

Where can you learn SEO? Well… here’s what you get from Google:

10 Learn About Seo Scaled

Search: [who writes at Search Engine Land?]

11 Search Engine Land Authors Scaled

Some “how to” queries

How do we tie shoes or change tires, Google?

12 How To Tie Shoes Scaled
15 How To Tie Shoes Scaled
13 How To Change Tire Scaled
14 How To Change Tire Car Scaled

Some Your Money, Your Life queries

Some have AI-generated answers, and some do not, as Google said would be the case:

16 Headache Medicine Scaled
19 Headache Cancer Scaled
17 Google Stock Scaled
18 Investments Scaled

Mobile interface

Here are a couple of tweets from Barry with GIFs showing off the SGE on mobile.

Editor’s note: I will update this article later with more screenshots. Until then, you can find a lot more searches around politics, shopping, sports and more in Barry’s Twitter thread, which you can find here.

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